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Wanted: Chris Cantwell

Chris Cantwell is this dude who writes a blog with the tagline "Anarchist, Atheist, Asshole". So it's pretty clear that this guy is interested in trolling from the get go. Well, he's also likes to express support for the killing of police officers. Unfortunately, he seems to have some supporters in the Free State Project movement. He himself, however, has been band from FSP events. This doesn't mean he can get kicked out of New Hampshire, but any events sanctioned by the organization that is trying to bring like-minded people to New Hampshire, is declaring that he is not of like mind. Let's hope this is true for the vast majority of participants.

Well, he threatened to come to Porcfest against the wishes of the FSP. Perhaps he would argue that it is up to Rogers Campground to decide, since they own the place, and Porcfest doesn't take up 100% of it. However I have heard that Rogers is authorizing the FSP to use security to keep him out. Well, one day, these posters appeared. This particular one, I heard somebody claim was put up by FSP security to warn against his potential appearance, but I have my doubts. I think they were put up by his lackeys. (I don't think he ever appeared himself.) It's a pretty hilarious troll, I'll admit that. Over the course of the week, these notices started to get vandalized.


7 years ago

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